Answers to your questions

Here you will find answers to your questions about using the SaksaCon company portal.
If you have any questions that are not answered on this FAQ page, please contact us.

What support can I request from SaksaCon?

You can receive the following support: - in communicating with the German customer - Advice on the implementation of German requirements - Auditing and thus qualification according to required standards as proof of your quality - as an interface between you and your customer/supplier - Mediation in the event of a placement order If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact form.

How long will my data remain in the company portal?

Your data will remain in the portal until you delete your data.
After registering, you will receive a link with which you can maintain or delete your company data yourself at any time.

Is there a charge for using the company portal?

No. Registration and use of the SaksaCon company portal is free of charge until 31 December 2025.
A small fee will be charged for use from 2026.

How do I register in the company database?

Go to the website with the company database:

Then click on "Add Listening

Then follow the further steps and enter your company details.




Who can view my company data?

Any company that is looking for a customer or supply partner on SaksaCon can view the company data and make contact.

Can't find an answer to your question in the FAQ?
Write to us

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